Friday, 24 February 2012

Gabba Gabba

Lots has been happening the last few weeks. I got offered a place at Nottingham Trent to do a degree in Fashion Knitwear! yaya! We're beginning to plan our end of year fashion show at college and everything for it seems to have come together this past week. Designing and making garments hasn't started yet, but we've got until the end of June so it'll be fiiiine. I've got some new clothes and some old clothes and got rid of some clothes and got new hair colour. Well, old hair colour. Gone back to my natural brown to give the poor weave a rest for a while.

Got a rad new (old) T-shirt from eBay last week. Sweeeeeeeet. The sleeves were cut off already. I wanted to wear it without a bra but the arm holes are too big and serious amounts of side-boob happened. Hate being a girl.

I wore it today to college with American Apparel disco pants and Underground creepers. Feeling edgy.


  1. love the look.. disco pants are the best item ever!!! ps your header is really cute!!.. please check out my blog.. if you like to follow all love shall be returned.

    season. †


  2. Thank you! Disco pants are so comfy and I wear them pretty much every day (gross but I don't care)
    I've checked out your blog and it looks pretty cool. I think a 'follow' is in order... :)
